Halloween is a Drag
On the weekend, the gaggle of gays decided screw Halifax because apparently - the Middleton Lions Club Hall in Nictaux is the new Reflections!! (the cover is cheaper, and the drinks are stronger, what more do we need to say).
Scott, Stephen, Marcus, Rocky, Brendan, Gilles, Jeff and Joseph all headed out to Stephen's parents place in the valley. The original intent was to stay at Stephen's parents cottage - which has no hot water and would not have had the heat turned on. Thankfully Stephen's kind mother Bev insisted that we stay at their place instead. After having some of delicious chilli for dinner (which made a certain someone viciously smelly later on) everyone quickly went to work on making fake boobs out of knee-high stockings and rice.

For some of us, the transformation was stunning (Rocky) and for others it was downright disturbing (Scott).

Rocky starred as the beautiful Crystal Carrington, and Marcus was her bitchy modern-day rival Paris Hilton.

Scott and Stephen were both positively hideous, Scott was some sort of woman-thing from the swamp with purple hair and bad eye-makeup, and Stephen was a transvestite inspired by Emily Howard of the BBC sketch comedy Little Britain.

Brendan sexed it up as a Pretty Woman-esque “ho” (leftover from a “Pimps and Hos” party, complete with $15 boots from Payless Shoes and Gilles went back to his roots as Pokahontas (Poke-a-hot-ass).
Finally Joseph and Jeff were two classy ladies of television, with Joseph as the lovely Bree VandeCamp of Desperate Housewives, wearing a prom dress freshly stolen from a 16-year-old girl, and Jeff as Sofia from The Golden Girls.
After getting all dressed up Stephen’s father Peter took pictures of everyone coming down the stairs, and Bev gave us purses that were given to her by her mother! Later in the evening Scott not only broke his purse, but got blood all over it after an unfortunate table incident (more on that later).

Nobody wanted to be a DD (you try being sober in heels and a skirt) so Peter drove everyone to the Halloween dance in Nictaux in the family van. Upon arriving we looked around in horror to realize that only about five people were dressed up – we made quite the entrance! This blog doesn't have any pictures from the dance, but you can check out shutter happy Glamour Jesus, Hatchet Lake Ho and Ray of Delight for more pictures and stories from the evening.
The dance was a blast. Among the highlights of the evening were us using the women’s washroom the ENTIRE night (which irritated more than a few lesbians), Scott falling flat on his ass after the table he sat on collapsed, Jeff sharing Rocky's lipstick with a random leather daddy, Rocky and Marcus rolling around on the floor pulling each-others hair out, and Stephen calling his dad to pick us all up in the van after realizing that cabs apparently take two hours to arrive in the valley.
After we returned to Peter and Bev’s house we went to “Pizza Corner” (the corner of the basement) and Joseph posed for the Vera Wang Perfume photo shoot. Joseph refused to take off his dress and wig well after everyone else had changed – he’s such a lady. We also learned that Gilles had stolen the guest book which appeared to contain the email addresses of every gay man in the valley.

The next morning we had breakfast, did a drive-by tour of the pumpkin people in Kentville, and stopped to get something to eat at Mary Brown’s in Sackville. The weekend pretty much ended there - after Rocky proclaimed he was sick of seeing all our faces... can you blame him?

It was a fantastic, absurd weekend. Naturally the planning for next year’s Halloween outfits has already begun.
Scott, Stephen, Marcus, Rocky, Brendan, Gilles, Jeff and Joseph all headed out to Stephen's parents place in the valley. The original intent was to stay at Stephen's parents cottage - which has no hot water and would not have had the heat turned on. Thankfully Stephen's kind mother Bev insisted that we stay at their place instead. After having some of delicious chilli for dinner (which made a certain someone viciously smelly later on) everyone quickly went to work on making fake boobs out of knee-high stockings and rice.

For some of us, the transformation was stunning (Rocky) and for others it was downright disturbing (Scott).

Rocky starred as the beautiful Crystal Carrington, and Marcus was her bitchy modern-day rival Paris Hilton.

Scott and Stephen were both positively hideous, Scott was some sort of woman-thing from the swamp with purple hair and bad eye-makeup, and Stephen was a transvestite inspired by Emily Howard of the BBC sketch comedy Little Britain.

Brendan sexed it up as a Pretty Woman-esque “ho” (leftover from a “Pimps and Hos” party, complete with $15 boots from Payless Shoes and Gilles went back to his roots as Pokahontas (Poke-a-hot-ass).
Finally Joseph and Jeff were two classy ladies of television, with Joseph as the lovely Bree VandeCamp of Desperate Housewives, wearing a prom dress freshly stolen from a 16-year-old girl, and Jeff as Sofia from The Golden Girls.
After getting all dressed up Stephen’s father Peter took pictures of everyone coming down the stairs, and Bev gave us purses that were given to her by her mother! Later in the evening Scott not only broke his purse, but got blood all over it after an unfortunate table incident (more on that later).

Nobody wanted to be a DD (you try being sober in heels and a skirt) so Peter drove everyone to the Halloween dance in Nictaux in the family van. Upon arriving we looked around in horror to realize that only about five people were dressed up – we made quite the entrance! This blog doesn't have any pictures from the dance, but you can check out shutter happy Glamour Jesus, Hatchet Lake Ho and Ray of Delight for more pictures and stories from the evening.
The dance was a blast. Among the highlights of the evening were us using the women’s washroom the ENTIRE night (which irritated more than a few lesbians), Scott falling flat on his ass after the table he sat on collapsed, Jeff sharing Rocky's lipstick with a random leather daddy, Rocky and Marcus rolling around on the floor pulling each-others hair out, and Stephen calling his dad to pick us all up in the van after realizing that cabs apparently take two hours to arrive in the valley.
After we returned to Peter and Bev’s house we went to “Pizza Corner” (the corner of the basement) and Joseph posed for the Vera Wang Perfume photo shoot. Joseph refused to take off his dress and wig well after everyone else had changed – he’s such a lady. We also learned that Gilles had stolen the guest book which appeared to contain the email addresses of every gay man in the valley.

The next morning we had breakfast, did a drive-by tour of the pumpkin people in Kentville, and stopped to get something to eat at Mary Brown’s in Sackville. The weekend pretty much ended there - after Rocky proclaimed he was sick of seeing all our faces... can you blame him?

It was a fantastic, absurd weekend. Naturally the planning for next year’s Halloween outfits has already begun.